Our Blog
Using Tea Tree Oil for a Sinus Infection
So, we’re in the middle of our summer and before we know, it will be nearing an end, really? It always seems to...
Using the Right Cleanser for Beautiful, Healthy Skin
Using a good cleanser is a very important first step. Yes, a cleanser should do a good job at cleaning the face, but...
DMAE, Good or Bad?
We’ve been reading a lot lately about the chemical 2-dimethyl-amino-ethanol, more commonly listed on the labels of many anti-aging cosmetics as DMAE. Some doctors...
Tip From the Experts: Bentonite Clay and Face Serum
Bentonite Clay is a very interesting clay. Bentonite is a combination of volcanic ash and montmorillonite originally found in Fort Benton, Wyoming. It...
It's Kinda Like Wrapping Your Body in Plastic
All natural plant oils feel beautiful on your skin. This feeling is hard to describe, but the closest I can come to an...
It Says Paraben Free, But it May Not Be
So, what exactly are Parabens? Parabens are the most widely used preservatives in personal care products; they stop fungus, bacteria and other microbes from...
Toot My Own Horn!
Yesterday I wrote my blog about a wonderful small business from which I purchased some candles. I talked about the heart that company...
This Business Has Heart!
It’s so nice to find a product that you really love, that makes you feel good, and that you just love using. It’s...
You Will See a Difference in Your Skin
So if you're one of those people who just tries every moisturizer on the market, hoping to find something that actually does what...