Things That Make Me Go Hmmmm



The other day I was watching Dr. Phil and I was really shocked at the product he was promoting. A product called Boots No. 7 Serum that claims to reduce wrinkles. There was even a skin expert on with Dr. Phil also promoting the product for skin health and wrinkle reduction.

First, I'm always, always skeptical whenever I hear of a product that reduces wrinkles, red flags everywhere. My thought is that if there actually was a product that really, truly does reduce wrinkles, wouldn't we know about it? Why would women all over the world be spending thousands trying every product under the sun if there was that one product that actually did get rid of those wrinkles? Hmm, good question, right? I used to be that woman trying everything, wrinkles are still here :/ (I've learned to embrace them).

So, in my usual manner, whenever I hear of a product that sounds too good to be true, I always resort to research. So research I did and here's what I found. 

There was one study done on the efficacy of this product. This study was carried out by scientists at the University of Manchester. The conclusion was that this Boots serum was just as effective at stimulating collagen production as tretinoin (a drug that is related to Retiol). That sounds great until you learn that Boots paid for the research, which means they had a vested interest in making sure the study made their product look great. Also, because the study was done "blind" instead of double-blind, the researchers knew who was getting which treatment. This type of study isn't as reliable as double-blind studies because, especially when money is at stake, there is a natural bias toward making sure the product in question comes out in the best possible light. A study paid for by the company selling the product is ALWAYS circumspect. It's not that the study may not be valid, but the bias is present from the beginning and that must always be taken into consideration.

But the most alarming thing I found was the list of ingredients. In reading through the list of ingredients it was filled with every kind of paraben. Wait, isn't it common knowledge by now that parabens are infinitely dangerous? Aren't companies trying to get the paraben OUT of their products? And why would a doctor like Dr. Phil, who because of his high visibility, does have a moral responsibility to to direct and advise people thoughtfully, why would he promote such a product? I suppose what upset me even more is that this skin expert who is a person who should be concerned with the health of the skin, was promoting this product so enthusiastically. Isn't it incumbent upon her to know what she is promoting?

All questions that made me go hmmm...

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  • I can’t help but feel conned when I see Dr. Phil pretend to be excited about Serum 7. He MUST own at least part of this product It’s slick advertising and I can find any reviews where the actual product is benefiting any skin type.

    Linda Bruce on
  • I also saw this product on the Dr. Phil show and heard that you can buy it in Target. I wanted to research this first now after reading what everyone wrote i am not sure if i should buy this. I googled the best skin care out there and what came up was simply Vaseline. I am wondering if anyone has purchased this product and have you seen any positive results?

    Shannon on
  • Robin has her own skin line. Why is he permoting no 7 . I don’t get it.?

    Gail LeVick on
  • I don’t trust Dr Phil anymore. Any ethical person would disclose up front whether they have a financial interest in any product they endorse. The whole last segment on skin care and No 7 skin cream was immediately suspect to me. Dr Phil and his family have become money whores. They will do ANYTHING to make a buck and promote themselves in the guise of trying to sincerely help others. It is all an act! Shameful!.

    Phil Schneider on
  • His show is sponsored (all shows are sponsored).. Those sponsors pay those VERY high bills and everyone’s salary. As part of the show’s commitment to these companies, they most likely asked for this platform.. So here we are.. That “Dr” may be a Dr on paper and academia.. But she’s a paid bobble-head for Boots junk. As someone who works in the field of skin, nail, and hair care.. There is little to nothing in a drug store or discount market that is either skin loving or skin caring.. The main purpose in mass marketing these products is BUY ME.. That’s it.. Also the words “organic, natural, and holistic” are both fluff words and have no legal meaning.. The key is CERTIFIED Organic.. Without the word Certified? The words mean nothing.. Gasoline is completely natural but I’m not about to clean my face with it! That doesn’t guarantee performance or quality just because it’s organic.. If not preserved correctly, you could be putting decaying, rotted plant extracts and fruits.. So be careful choosing products..

    Heide on
  • With your research on No.7 is dr Phil an owner of this product. Seems he does a lot of commercials on his show about this product and his sons book company and his wife’s products. I can understand if these commercials were on the network but not during the show Hmmm

    Darlene on
  • I’ve noticed that Dr Phil had done several "infomercials " selling his books, his wife’s products, his sons publishing company, and it seems whoever he can get on to push a product. ..going all Dr Oz.. I’ve long thought his shows have become opportunistic preying on people’s problems as sensationalism. To me he’s no better than Dr Oz and he’s a known quack. He needs to get back the integrity that he once had and stop exploiting people and scamming by infomercials

    Nancy on
  • Yes, i wondered why Dr. Phil promoted this product, but because he had an expert say how good it was, i was duped into buying two tubes. I do not have many wrinkles, but it did not do a thing for me, what a waste of money…but the thing is, he had this skin care expert on twice saying how good it was? Why would a doctor who is a psycholgist, i believe promote this, did they offer him huge money, and considering his wife sells this type of product would he not promote her product instead?? Mad me go hmmmmm too.

    Marlene on
  • I saw that Dr Phil episode and actually wrote down the name of the serum so I could go buy it. Now…I won’t be. Thank you

    Darian on
  • Is the Serum 7 a product that Dr. Phil or his wife own? If so, they are such whores to pretend to do a segment on his show! Snake oil salespeople. Tell me I am wrong but I smell a dead rar——- and if anybody knows, they stink and you hate them!!!!

    Dale on

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