Among the hunkered are our bees. I have gotten peeks here and there of the bees poking their little heads out of the hives to survey the surroundings. A few even ventured out to investigate this white stuff that has coated what once was lush, green grass, but they are quick to tuck back into their warm, protected hive.

We really have to appreciate these little guys. Did you know that It takes about 60,000 bees, collectively traveling up to 55,000 miles and visiting more than 2 million flowers, to gather enough nectar to make one pound of honey? Crazy right?
Processed honey (like the kind that tends to come in a bear-shaped jar) zaps all the goodness that bees provide, including vitamin B, iron, potassium, and calcium, not to mention it’s crazy, crazy high in sugar. Pure, natural, unprocessed honey is truly amazing. One could call it “nature’s perfect ingredient”.
Honey is not only oh-so-good to eat but it nourishes and soothes the skin as well. It’s no wonder that it’s been used for thousands of years by women for the health and beauty of their skin. It’s even been noticed that Beekeepers’ hands are often especially soft and smooth during honey season! Honey can and should be used on dry skin because it is a humectant. A humectant will attract moisture and keep in locked inside. Honey will actually pull moisture from the environment and lock it in the skin. Really! But again, you have to make sure it’s raw, unprocessed honey, it does make a difference! Honey also has strong antibacterial properties, which helps in fighting acne and pimples.
On the medical side of skin care, because of honey's antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidants properties it is amazing for treating wounds. In the US, a company called Derma Sciences uses Manuka honey for a product they created, Medihoney, that is being used in hospitals for wound and burn dressings. Hospitals are noticing that honey heals wounds often much better than other therapies.
All this being said, and with thousands and thousands of bees in my backyard, it just seems like a natural fit right? Let the bees give their wonderful goodness to Sans! Sans and bees, a great partnership! Stay tuned for some great things to come…I can’t wait!