Is Nano a No-No?



With summer finally just around the corner, our attention will soon turn to protecting our skin from the dangerous effects of the sun. One thing to keep in mind when looking for a good sunscreen, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are the only sunscreen ingredients that are NOT endocrine disruptors. That being said we now need to watch out for nano particles. What is that you ask? Well, the main complaint with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide has always been that the white cream just never seems to leave your face. Well, that, my friends is exactly why zinc oxide and titanium dioxide fall into the NON endocrine disruptor category. These two ingredients act as a physical barrier on the surface of the skin, that is to say their molecules are too large to penetrate the skin's surface so they remain on the surface, blocking the sun's harmful rays. But, now with sunscreens made with nano particles the nano molecules CAN penetrate the skin. That's why the zinc oxide and titanium dioxide turn clear because they have actually penetrated the skin. The problem is, there is no conclusive information that talks about what exactly the effects of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are on our bodies once absorbed. Until we know what these effects are, maybe it's safer to just steer clear of any product that says "Nano particles" on the label. Better safe than sorry!

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